Sunday, August 29, 2010

ASTI constitution

There are bullies everywhere, and innocent students are bullied everyday all around Alameda in every school. I read a few reflections, but in  Regina Moore's reflection i found a quote that caught my eye. I think that this quote reflects the constitution: 
"I have the self confidence to not have to care about the opinions of others, but many people do not obtain this same ability and I do not expect everyone to act in that way because everybody is different."
Some people have the courage to stand up for themselves, while others don't. In Regina's case, she has the ability to stand up for herself and to not let anyone put her down. I am mostly focusing on #6 from the constitution: "Speak up for yourself and others". I think that this is one of the most important ones from the ten listed on the ASTI constitution. This is the best thing to do when being bullied, it's the best defense.

As Regina's quote states that everyone is different, that is true. Everyone has their own way of dealing with their problems. It is also ignoring the bullies if you don't step up for yourself. For example, I know Regina and I know she stands up for herself and sometimes for other, she has that courage, but she also ignores when people bother her. I am different, I just try ignoring people and when I get mad, sometimes I stand up for myself. I have noticed that I stand up for others more than I stand up for myself.

The constitution was made by students for students to follow and I think that it is unfair that the same people that made it, still bully others. Life is a mirror, so I think that whatever you do to someone, will always come back to you somehow. So if you are a bully, then someone else will bully you the same way you bullied them, and if you respect others, which is the best thing to do, then what you will get back from others, is respect. I think that being a good influence is also good. If people see other people treat eachother with respect, then they'll do the same. It's just a matter of time and patience.

We need to stand up for ourselves and others, so the bullying issue can stop at ASTI and also in other places or schools. Show who you really are!

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