Tuesday, May 24, 2011

El Fin

Describe the world you come from -- for example: your family, community, or school. -- and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.

I come from a very small place, not very known by many. Honduras, a country of the size of the state of Tennessee is where i was born. In Honduras, my family extends from one corner of the country to the other corner. My family is composed of many people with different goals and different ways of seeing life.  I am one of the many who really like to succeed. A lot of people in my family extended family like to succeed but most of them do not like to do the necessary work to get that success.Me and my family; my mom,my dad,my brother and my sister like to work hard to get what we want. In my extended family, we are defined or seen as the most working people and the ones who put effort into everything.
One of my dreams as a member of this family, is to set an example to those in my family who are not as hard workers and help them succeed. I know that there are a lot of people in my family that have the potential of working hard, but they just do not have a reason to do it. I want to help them think about their future and what they need to do in order to succeed.
Another thing that i want to do in my family, my main family is to help my bother. My brother and i have not had a good relationship for years. I am older than him for two years, giving me the responsibility to be a leader. My dad always tells me how i need to be a leader for my brother. In the last years i have not behaved as a good leader. I think that leadership also refers to influence. I am one of my brother’s biggest influence. My aspiration is to be that leader for my brother one day. I do not want a brother i am ashamed of in the future. I want a brother i can be proud of. It is hard for me to have a nice relationship with my brother; we are constantly arguing and we do not often like to do things the same way. I am now, currently trying to work as a leader for him. Lead him into what i have been influenced to; success.
Seeing others help others withing my family has influenced me to act as a leader for others.
          I have always lived in a safe community. Around nice people, and nothing bad has really happened in my life that could have made big changes to it. At school, the environment is always the same even when i go to new places to learn. I think that the fact that learning is the same everywhere has helped my dreams and aspirations. I have learned that  you can achieve your dreams no matter where you are, and that the only thing you need is a brain that understands and a heart that wants to learn. 
          The lessons i learned from my family and in my community have made me a more thoughtful person about others. It has made me want to help others be successful. I think that i am the person i am because of the influence of important members of my family, and great leaders among ourselves such as my mom. She helped a lot of people including me and my siblings to think for others, ad not only for ourselves.

Second part: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution, blah blah blah..that is important to you. What about this makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

One of my biggest talents is art. I discovered when i was just a little kid that i had an artistic talent. I was obsessed with drawing and making stuff up with my own imagination. My mom told me that i did not learn how to be so artistic, but that i was born being an artist. When i was a kid, i would spend hours drawing alone. Making up new stuff every time. I became addicted and there was a point in my life when all i wanted to do was draw, so i stopped concentrating in school and focused on my art talent. Then i learned that i wanted to be more than an artist; i wanted to become an architect.
I started pursuing my dream of becoming an architect when i was a little bit older. In the last few years though, i have really worked hard to get to where i am right now to continue pursuing my dream of one day becoming an architect.
I am very proud of wanting to be an architect. It is a really competitive field. It makes me feel smart and better about my self. Having such a good talent can help me not only to become an architect but many other things. Art is historically important in this world, and it is currently and will always be an important human talent. This personal talent has made me proud of myself. It has helped my aspirations as a leader as well. Other people like my brother now see me as an influence. Whenever my brother needs help with something that needs art, he asks me and i help him. That is how i can be a leader with others.
It has also made me a better student. Since i need a lot of math in order to become an architect, i have put much more effort into my classes. 
This is how art makes me who i am. It helps me prepare and think about my future and is one of the major factors that helps my dream of becoming an architect. Art in general inspires me to create new things in my life. It makes me happy and it has shaped who i am right now. 

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