Monday, May 2, 2011

My peer review comentarios!

These are the comments i left for my tablemates' rough drafts:

Try introducing your character first because you are just talking about Kristina and it is kind of confusing. You made a good progress when talking about Kristina throughout your essay, and i also think that you had a good ending. I like the way you integrated your quotes; you made them flow with your essay.

You kind of jump from one topic to another. You don't do it much, but it is noticeable. Like, Vanessa said, you seem to not have transitions between your ideas, and then when you jump into another thing it juts leaves the reader kind of confused. Could you connect this book to anything else? or is the only connection you see between the book and something else is your life?

You should write down the questions you are answering because it is not until the end of the answer of the question that you (the audience) realize what the actual question was. I think you did a good job though, it is lengthy compared to the other ones i have read tonight but that is fine. What was the point of having several different short stories?

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