Friday, October 1, 2010

This crazy weather.

Lately, the weather has been like crazy. By now, it should be cold, but it's hot, still. This summer that just ended was also weird because for a long time it was cold when it was supposed to be hot. Now that it's supposed to be cold, it's hot. I don't like this. There are many reasons why I don't like how hot it gets now; it is too hot, it makes us not want to do any exercise and it annoys people. Hot weather just gets some people feeling weird and uncomfortable.
Just a few weeks ago, the weather was so hot that I could bot even walk. It got me mad, and this sounds crazy but it's true; hot weather really annoys me. During those days, it was a little difficult for me to concentrate in some classes. It gets me nervous and makes me distracted.
When we are in P.E. And it's really hot, almost no one does anything. All we want to do is sit down and relax, but in the shade and we hope for the wind to blow. It also makes us thirsty fast and we have to keep drinking water or anything to keep our thrist satisfied.
I just can't wait until the real cold comes and for the rain to get us wet. There are many reasons why the cold weather is better than hot weather. When it's cold, it's easier to do exercise (not when it freezing cold though.) and we get to wear jackets and warm stuff, and we can drink hot chocolate next to a fire. I prefer being cold than being hot, when I'm hot, it annoys me and when I'm cold... It's not that bad.
Global warming is the cause of this crazy weather. I hope the cold weather comes soon! I wish global warming would stop.

1 comment:

  1. i responded to your post :D
