Saturday, October 30, 2010

Essay Reflection

My sophomore year, I have been experiencing a different kind of writing for my English class. I am having the experience of writing the opposite of how I write during my freshman year. Last year, my writing was based on what someone else said or someone else's idea. For example, I wrote essays that had to resemble sone other author's writing. This year, I started to write my own ideas the way I wanted. The way I write now is a more relaxed way, and with less pressure. When I write, I think about the things I like or things that concern me, and that makes my writing be more creative.

When I began writing , I thought it would be easy to just wrote responses to someone elses post, which is much different than using someone else's idea to write. It is actually easy. It does not take much thinking and it is mostly based on my own opinion. Having a blog makes it easier for me to write better than I normally do because knowing that so many people can look at my blog posts, I feel the need to write clear, in a way not only I can understand what I am trying to say. My blogs, by being able to be seen almost by anyone, give me the ideas to write a out things that might also interest other readers: Facebook Addiction.
It has almost been for about a year and a half since I made my facebook account. I have to admit it, that thing is like a drug!I never thought i would get so into it.
Facebook is a common topic a lot of kids my agetalk about, so I thought that by writing about it and what my experiences with if have been would get people's attention, and that it would get them to respond to my idea.

A reason why u find that having a Blogger is useful for my writing is bacause I can relate to someone else's thoughts and write responses to them. Sometimes I go on reader and I start reading blogs otter students made, and some of them do not interest me at all, but there are sone that really catch my eyes and I find really interesting. Those that interest me end up being the ones I make my responses to. The responses I make are usually to ideas that I like or ideas that I agree with. For example, I read a blog post by lean Liang called, "Books and Words" and he wrote about an idea that if I would have written about it, I would have said the same things he said: Books and Words
The title 'Books and Words" made me wonder what it was about, and when i started reading the first few sentences i felt really connected to what was being said by Leon. This blog, written by Leon Liang is a reflection of what i think.
Leon's idea of not liking to read books and only reading them when he has to, is something I can relate to me; I do not like to read and only read when I have to. We share ideas like that, not with him only, but with many other writers. Whatever I find related to my thoughts, I respond to it. That helps my writing by expressing my ideas by supporting someone else's thoughts.

I think of writing as something different now. I think that writing is much easier than I thought. By writing blogs weekly, I get more practice on writing and each time I get better at it. I do nod know what my mistakes are exactly when I write, so I cannot really say I learn from them. But what I can say is that my writing improves with time. The flow of my writing is each time easier to understand. I notice how the voice of my writing is each time strong and sometimes the critical thinking is more clear and good. Writing blog posts helps my writing become more clear.

Since I began blogging and I gog my reader account, I have been reading more (blog posts, not books). When I am bored, I go on google reader sometimes and I start reading other people's blogs. I read them because I want to, and not necessarily because I will respond to them. Having a blogger also helps me be a more independent reader. Even though I dislike reading, I read a lot of blog posts weekly and I do not get tired of it. During the last few months, I have probably read more independently than I read in my last year's English class dependently. I read blog posts almost every single day of the week of every week. (Ever since I made my blogger account). Having a blogger has changed the amount of time I spend reading, and it has also increased it.

The kind of writing I use when I blog is my kind; I write freely without feeling the need to write correctly like I would when I write an essay or anything for another class. For example, for my writing class, there are a log of rules when writing. From having correct grammar, to writing in a specific way; writing in a format. There are too many rules in the world of writing for all of them to be applied to a single piece if writing which is exactly what I do when I write blog posts. I write, still using some of the rules, but I write the way I want to when I blog. The writing in my blog would be considered as a mess in any other of my classes, specially in my writing class. Writing with no rules is better than writing with the rules and all that's needed. An example of me writing when I blog is the following post: Where to?
Another place I'd like to visit would be Rome, Italy. The main reason why I like places such as Rome, is because I love architecture and I think that Rome is a gorgeous place to go and see the variety of old and classical architecture from hundreds of years ago.
I would not write like this if it had to be academic writing.
Overall, I write different when I blog. It is easier for me to express my ideas here than on academic writing. Ever since I made my blog, I have been reading more than I usually do. I also relate to other people's eideas and I reflect in them. Blogging is a good experience that changes the way I write. I notice how my writing improves with time hen I blog.

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