Friday, January 28, 2011

Politics and the English Language

Orwell’s main points are that the English language and that political writing have changed through time. We are the ones who have made these changes. Every time, we make more changes to the language creating it more confusing and harder to understand. Orwell says that political writing and the English language are not used correctly.  People have changed the way they speak through the years, they make up new words that they understand when talking but that have no meaning when they are applied in writing. We have developed language that only we understand. For example, people all around the United States have different ways of using the English language. Some people for example, might not understand people that are not from the same place as them because where they live they speak English a little differently and so it might be a little confusing for them to understand each other.
Orwell says that we use words we do not know the meaning of. He says that we tend to say whatever comes to our minds and because the way we think is inaccurate the things we say are bad. I agree with this idea that what we think is inaccurate. I think that even professional writers and professional speakers think in an inaccurate way. Writers for example, they write stuff trying to make their writing look fancy and professional. Sometimes when they try to make their writing look good, the results are that the reader ends up being confused and that there is too much analyzing to do in order to fully understand what the creator of the piece of writing means. We think in a way to impress people says Orwell, and what we need to do is to think clearly with meaningful thoughts that people could understand without analyzing instead of trying to look fancy with writing and making the readers confused. That is what happens in political writing. Orwell says that political writing is sometimes used incorrectly. Sometimes, things such as figurative language are used in political writing and it is totally unnecessary and only makes the political writing confusing rather than understandable. 
He also makes a good point that to make writing understandable, a writer has to be honest about what they are writing. If the writing is made up of, for example opinions stated as facts then there is no point really on writing. The writer must have a reason to write and what he writes should be his thoughts that are understandable and clear.
Orwell says that the English language can be reversed. I agree with him and disagree with him. I agree with him because it can be reversed meaning that people can start thinking more clearly and communicating either through speaking or writing in an understandable way. I disagree with him because I don’t think that all people are willing to make those changes since they are the ones who have some up with those unnecessary words.
In general, I mostly agree with Orwell and his “Politics and the English Language”. I think that the English language has been affected by the misuse of its speakers. It is constantly being changed and made more confusing by the people. I also agree with the idea that the only way we can reverse this is by thinking clearer and being able to share those clean thoughts with everyone so that they understand easily without having to do any kind of analyzing.
What we think is what makes this English language more inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish according to Orwell. Orwell might sound fancy or his writing works might look presentable as if he is trying to make it look great, but the reality is that his ideas are just clear and he thinks in a way other people would understand him.

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