Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reflection essay: Qfwfq

Thesis: When Qfwfq does not know what to do, he makes impetuous decisions without thinking about the consequences and unexpected things happen.

Qfwfq Is a character who is most of the time confused about the things he does, so things he doesn't expect, happen. In both of the stories, he acts the same way: lost. He seems to not know how to think fast and make good decisions. In the story, "The Aquatic Uncle" by Italo Calvino, Qfwfq falls in love with another creature and he seems to not know hat to do with her; he says, " 'Im saying that my great-uncle N'ba N'ga lives in the water the way we live on the land and he's never come out of it!' "(76). Qfwfq is trying to get his girlfriend to go in the water, where his great-uncle lives. Not knowing what to do, he just keeps pressuring her to go in the water even though she does not want to. After almost forcing her to do it, she decides to go in, but something unexpected happens. She falls in love with his great-uncle and leaves him for his great-uncle. Since he is the one responsible for what happened, his self steam lowers. Qfwfq messes up a lot, causing problems in his own life.

Qfwfq's problems continue when he keeps makind decisions that don't make sense. In the story, "The Dinosours" by Italo Calvino, Qfwfq is a dinosaur whose decisions male other creatures give him a reputation as a bad influence. He thinks he is te last dinosaur alive and he finds a group of creatures called "The New Ones" and be stays with them. With the time, they trust that be is no harm and then consider him as part if their group, or one of them. They got news saying that a giant group of dinosaurs was coming. Qfwfq is confused and hw thinks to himself, "I had to escape as soon as possible, let them stew in their own juice, have nothing more to do with those old stories" (106). Qfwfq has no idea what to do shoe think that the neat thing to do is to escape and let the dinosaurs an the new ones deal with their problems. He didn't know wether to be on his species' side, or to be on the side of the ones who took him an kept him alive. He escaped. Betraying both sides was not the right idea, and when he comes back after, knowing that the news were false, he is seem as a traitor by the new ones.

Qfwfq's love life never gies well because of his random decisions. He thinks he is falling in love with one of the new ones, her name is Fern-Flower. She talks to him about her dreams and for some reason, her fmdreams are a clear image of his life. She teats him with trust and it seems like she would tell her any of her secrets. One day, Qfwfq gets mad and can't think of anything and he tells her, " 'Why do you bore me with these dreams of yours? They get more childish everytime!' Fern-Flower burst into tears.(107). Qfwfq, angry told her that he didn't care about her dreams and offended her. Se gets mad at him, and she doesn't think of him as a creature she can't trust any longer.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Facebook Addiction.

It has almost been for about a year and a half since I made my facebook account. I have to admit it, that thing is like a drug!I never thought i would get so into it. I had a MySpace before I made my facebook, and I thought that MySpace was the coolest thing out there. I knew facebook existed, but it didn't really seem to interest me. I would always see my sister on facebook and I'd ask and tell her, "what's so good about facebook? That's only for old people, MySpace is better." and she'd look at me like she didn't care. So one day I decided to make a facebook account, and I wasn't so excited about it but I still wanted one because I wanted to try it out.
My sister helped me demonstrate how to use it because when I logged in for the first time, I had no idea what to do. I was clueless. Since I didn't like it when I made it, my first status update said, "Facebook is so weird...". It took me fir about 3 or 4 days to understand what facebook was good for and how to use it.
Since facebook wasn't as popular back then, most of my friends had a MySpace, but as many of us started making facebook accounts, it began to be a popular social network. By the 4th month of having a facebook, I started to use MySpace less and each time less and using facebook more and more. By the 6th month, It became an addiction.
My first year of high school started and I made new friends. I met all of the ASTI students in like a week. At the beginning of my freshmen year, I added for about 150 friends just from ASTI to my facebook account. That was a great step toward my addiction. I remember after finishing homework, I would go on the computer and log in to facebook. I would spend all the night just reading statuses and having random conversations with different people. When Christmas time came, facebook was a part of my daily routine; wake up, eat, go to school, soccer, eat, homework and finally facebook.
Now, facebook is still a part of my daily routine. I know it is distracting, but I have learned to manage my time. I think some people have problems getting off of facebook because it is such a huge distraction. Some people have the capacity of being on facebook for hours and hours, continuously. I think that facebook is the largest social network world wide. Facebook is everywhere, and it continues growing.

Response to Tiffany Cao's "People using God as an excuse"

Just by reading the title, "People using God as an excuse", this blog caught my attention. After reading this blog, i realized that i had thought about this before many, many times.
Recently, I noticed how people in the past use God for bad use. I hear people saying, " God told me that I should tell you this" or "God told me that I should go against my teacher since she's rude to me." Hearing all of those quotes makes me question, what does God mean to you?
My own experience has been that i used to attend to church every Sunday, for 10 years. Personally, i believe in God and God has had a big influence in my life. I stopped going to church because of personal things that happened in my life, but Church was always a big part of my life. I still go to church though, every once in a while. I will admit that i have joked about telling people that God told me something or that i saw Jesus, but i am always joking around with things i shouldn't. I know it is wrong and I want to stop.
I honestly think that it is offensive to God, and it is offensive to those who believe in God. People usually do stuff such as this, using religion as an excuse for anything, when they need something or when it will benefit them. Taking advantage of the name of the lord is not just and not right.
I have seem people and heard people use God as an excuse to tier actions, use the name as if it will prevent them from being in trouble. I know when someone jokes about it and I don't really mind, but I can tell when someone is seriously using the name just for their own benefit. I consider that an abuse.
I think that Tiffany makes a good point that people make bad decisions when they use God as an excuse, and I think that most people do this. I believe that the ones that really believe in God and that take it seriously, would not do such a thing.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My vocabulary

1. Establish
2. Consequence
3. Investment
4. Demonstrate
5. Commitment
6. Capacity
7. Facilitate
8. Specific
9. Remove
10. Style

Friday, September 17, 2010

Soccer is Big.

I know that some of you who read this, will go like, "here he goes again talking about soccer",but it's just that it's one of te things I'm always thinking about and that I have lots of things to say about. Well, the truth is, I love soccer a lot. I have grown up with soccer and soccer has grown up with me. I started playing soccer at a very young age with friends and then moved to teams. I have been in different teams, some of them were not so good and some of them have been amazing. I am currently playing soccer with a team called Alameda Islanders U19 Select, and we are hoping to do good this season. Playing soccer select is really fun, it is a challenge and each season a different experience. In my opinion, every team will be good at some point but it becomes weaker as time goes by or it becomes stringer, but it is always changing. I have not yet seen a team that keeps their skills the same way for a long period of time. Even if the teams are good, because of moving players from team to team causes teams to change.

I love soccer for a million reasons, and in my opinion I think that soccer is the sport that is played the most all around the world. It is the mist famous sport worldly. Compared to other sports such as Baseball and Fotball, soccer is a sport that brings the world together. Baseball and football are really famous sports, and they are really cool sports, but they are mainly famous an played in the United States and a few other countries. Every four years, an international association called FIFA, brings together 34 teams from around the world that qualify as the best 34 of the world and they play together eliminating each other, one by one until te last two teams are left, and they play a final. The winner team is the world soccer champion. I love watching te world cups because they bring joy, entertainment, sadness, and it is just fun to see how people from all around the world interact.

Soccer us a really old sport, born in Europe and ended up spreading in every corner of every country. There is no other sport like soccer in my opinion. When i play soccer, I play soccer with passion and ambition because it's worth it. Soccer was, is and will always be the best sport known to man.

Response to "Books and Words" by Leon Liang.

The title 'Books and Words" made me wonder what it was about, and when i started reading the first few sentences i felt really connected to what was being said by Leon. This blog, written by Leon Liang is a reflection of what i think.
When I hear the word “book”, I automatically feel like I am going to be bored to death from reading. Reading is something that I find complicated and hard. I am one of those that cannot sit down and just read. Most of the time, I would just fall asleep after a couple pages. The problem with books is that I cannot face a page full of just words. From grade school until now, the number of books I have read, excluding the books assigned by teachers, can be counted with two hands. I never bother to go discover which book is good and which one is boring. I only read things that I feel like interesting. -Leon Liang.
Like Leon, i am not the kind of person who enjoys reading for fun or who reads all the time. One of the reasons why i dislike reading as much as i do is because ever since i was little, i got into the habit of getting people to read for me and i would not read just simply because as a young boy, i was lazy. I also got used to only reading when i had to, or when it was required by my teachers. Another reason why i dislike reading is because i just find it boring, unless it is about something i like. The only times when anyone will see me pull out a book to read it or to review it, is when the topic of he book is something of my interest.

The only reasons aren't only the ones i just mentioned, but i dislike reading for many other reasons. When i read, the environment im in has to be perfect and i ave to be in the mood of reading. By perfect environment, i mean a really silent one or one with music that flows with the reading or that fits well with what i'm reading and that does not bother me, but the volume has to be really low.  I have a lot of issues concentrating, i get distracted really easily. Sometimes, i just look away from the book, i see something and stare at it for minutes and i just start thinking but not about the book or what im reading but about what i am looking; my brain gets lost and wanders off. I think that the last reason, of the most important ones is that my vision is no so good. I need to wear my glasses for reading because my left eye is and has always been messed up and when i read without glasses i can't see anything with my left eye, and i just see a bunch of words on top of each other. When i spend too much time reading, my left eye starts to hurt and it is annoying and it distracts me from reading. When my eye starts to hurt, my eye seems to stop working as it should, and even with the glasses on, it becomes hard to see.

Reading is not my favorite thing  to do, but it is also something i don't mind doing. I just find it challenging. I know that i should get in the habit of reading daily because it will help me in the future because i will be required and i will also have to do reading on my own. I have to get adapted to reading stuff that is not of my type. I am hoping this year i will change the way i think about reading.  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Con against prostitution

Against Prostitution By: Rahni Johnson (HoNeY bEaR)and Marco Powell

Prostitution should not be legal. Some of the reasons why it shouldn’t be legal as Cecilia Hoffman states, “It violates the right to enjoy the highest standard of physical and mental health because violence, disease, unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and AIDS stalk, presenting constant and grave risks for women and girls in prostitution, and militating against a healthy sense of and relationship with their own bodies." (procon.org, Cecilia Hoffman). Cecilia Hoffman is the Secretary of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women - Asia Pacific (CATW-AP). When a woman is a prostitute they have a pimp, the only thing that this pimp wants is his money, and if he doesn't get his money, then he will beat the woman, girl or young woman until he wants to stop. when he stops it could be to late and he could have beaten her to death. some of the prostitutes that are working the streets are forced to be a prostitute and it is not there choice.

It is common sense that when you have unprotected sex, the possibility of becoming pregnant is much higher than when having protected sex. Also, the possibility of having infective diseases and spreading them, are much higher as well. John Bambenek, Executive Director of the Tumaini Foundation said, ”Prostitutes, because of their many partners, have a greatly increased risk of exposure to HIV. They are likewise able to spread HIV to many other partners...”. (procon.org, John Bambenek)If prostitution isn't illegalized, then mortal diseases will spread more and more rapidly. Diseases are spread when prostitution is active.

The importance of our society depends on the influence of what people do. In this case, prostitution is a big bad influence for the younger ones in the society. Prostitution will cause the increase of kids learning bad things and not finishing school. Prostitution is a big issue we, as a whole community have to take care of, ad if we don't. The effects can be damaging. Prostitution should not be legal! >:O