Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reflection essay: Qfwfq

Thesis: When Qfwfq does not know what to do, he makes impetuous decisions without thinking about the consequences and unexpected things happen.

Qfwfq Is a character who is most of the time confused about the things he does, so things he doesn't expect, happen. In both of the stories, he acts the same way: lost. He seems to not know how to think fast and make good decisions. In the story, "The Aquatic Uncle" by Italo Calvino, Qfwfq falls in love with another creature and he seems to not know hat to do with her; he says, " 'Im saying that my great-uncle N'ba N'ga lives in the water the way we live on the land and he's never come out of it!' "(76). Qfwfq is trying to get his girlfriend to go in the water, where his great-uncle lives. Not knowing what to do, he just keeps pressuring her to go in the water even though she does not want to. After almost forcing her to do it, she decides to go in, but something unexpected happens. She falls in love with his great-uncle and leaves him for his great-uncle. Since he is the one responsible for what happened, his self steam lowers. Qfwfq messes up a lot, causing problems in his own life.

Qfwfq's problems continue when he keeps makind decisions that don't make sense. In the story, "The Dinosours" by Italo Calvino, Qfwfq is a dinosaur whose decisions male other creatures give him a reputation as a bad influence. He thinks he is te last dinosaur alive and he finds a group of creatures called "The New Ones" and be stays with them. With the time, they trust that be is no harm and then consider him as part if their group, or one of them. They got news saying that a giant group of dinosaurs was coming. Qfwfq is confused and hw thinks to himself, "I had to escape as soon as possible, let them stew in their own juice, have nothing more to do with those old stories" (106). Qfwfq has no idea what to do shoe think that the neat thing to do is to escape and let the dinosaurs an the new ones deal with their problems. He didn't know wether to be on his species' side, or to be on the side of the ones who took him an kept him alive. He escaped. Betraying both sides was not the right idea, and when he comes back after, knowing that the news were false, he is seem as a traitor by the new ones.

Qfwfq's love life never gies well because of his random decisions. He thinks he is falling in love with one of the new ones, her name is Fern-Flower. She talks to him about her dreams and for some reason, her fmdreams are a clear image of his life. She teats him with trust and it seems like she would tell her any of her secrets. One day, Qfwfq gets mad and can't think of anything and he tells her, " 'Why do you bore me with these dreams of yours? They get more childish everytime!' Fern-Flower burst into tears.(107). Qfwfq, angry told her that he didn't care about her dreams and offended her. Se gets mad at him, and she doesn't think of him as a creature she can't trust any longer.

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