Friday, September 17, 2010

Response to "Books and Words" by Leon Liang.

The title 'Books and Words" made me wonder what it was about, and when i started reading the first few sentences i felt really connected to what was being said by Leon. This blog, written by Leon Liang is a reflection of what i think.
When I hear the word “book”, I automatically feel like I am going to be bored to death from reading. Reading is something that I find complicated and hard. I am one of those that cannot sit down and just read. Most of the time, I would just fall asleep after a couple pages. The problem with books is that I cannot face a page full of just words. From grade school until now, the number of books I have read, excluding the books assigned by teachers, can be counted with two hands. I never bother to go discover which book is good and which one is boring. I only read things that I feel like interesting. -Leon Liang.
Like Leon, i am not the kind of person who enjoys reading for fun or who reads all the time. One of the reasons why i dislike reading as much as i do is because ever since i was little, i got into the habit of getting people to read for me and i would not read just simply because as a young boy, i was lazy. I also got used to only reading when i had to, or when it was required by my teachers. Another reason why i dislike reading is because i just find it boring, unless it is about something i like. The only times when anyone will see me pull out a book to read it or to review it, is when the topic of he book is something of my interest.

The only reasons aren't only the ones i just mentioned, but i dislike reading for many other reasons. When i read, the environment im in has to be perfect and i ave to be in the mood of reading. By perfect environment, i mean a really silent one or one with music that flows with the reading or that fits well with what i'm reading and that does not bother me, but the volume has to be really low.  I have a lot of issues concentrating, i get distracted really easily. Sometimes, i just look away from the book, i see something and stare at it for minutes and i just start thinking but not about the book or what im reading but about what i am looking; my brain gets lost and wanders off. I think that the last reason, of the most important ones is that my vision is no so good. I need to wear my glasses for reading because my left eye is and has always been messed up and when i read without glasses i can't see anything with my left eye, and i just see a bunch of words on top of each other. When i spend too much time reading, my left eye starts to hurt and it is annoying and it distracts me from reading. When my eye starts to hurt, my eye seems to stop working as it should, and even with the glasses on, it becomes hard to see.

Reading is not my favorite thing  to do, but it is also something i don't mind doing. I just find it challenging. I know that i should get in the habit of reading daily because it will help me in the future because i will be required and i will also have to do reading on my own. I have to get adapted to reading stuff that is not of my type. I am hoping this year i will change the way i think about reading.  

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