Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Tiffany Cao's post: "Words that looks simple, but actually sophisticated"

I started reading Tiffany's post, and I realized that she talks about something I also thought a lot about in class. I was actually in Tiffany's group and we could not come up with a solid definition of "innocence". My personal opinion about innocence was that it cannot be really defined. There are too many ways that innocence is described as by different kinds of people. Sometimes the differences in culture determine what innocence is. But innocence cannot be defined only one way. The general idea of innocence is one who is free of sins, but who knows what is good and what us bad? How do we determine what is right and what is wrong? It depends on the people. All people think different and that causes the different ways they see innocence. Some people might think some things can be acts of innocence while others could think those same actions are bad acts that destroy innocence. Innocence is a universal idea that means different things to different people, and can be shown in different ways.
. What is innocence? First, I thought it meant the avoidance of moral wrong. As I tell my table mates about what I thought. Soon, I asked myself what is wrong? What is right? Then what in the world does innocence mean? We began to think it out, but we had no explanation nor definition of the word, "innocence."
Tiffany also compares the meaning of the word "innocence" and the meaning of the word "love" and how they are interpreted. Tiffany, I think that the heart is used in a metaphorical way, meaning that they say that it represents love because we think of it as that. Although I also think that since our heart is what keeps us alive, our heart represents love because it is life. We love life, and without it, we wouldn't love. That is a thought that came to my mind as I analyzed your question. I also think that there could really be a reason why the heart represents love. Or, this can be like what I said about innocence. It is seen differently by different people. Maybe people have different reasons why the heart is what represents love.
I also wonder why the hearts, and not the brain. In the brain is where everything happens; your brain is what makes you feel love or loved. All of the feelings happen there, so why doesn't the brain represent love?
Innocence ad love anre both abstract ideas that can be defined in many different ways because there are many ways of showing each.

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